Tips for Managing Your Business’ Printing Costs

Tips for Managing Your Business’ Printing Costs

When you’re considering the overhead costs for your business, it is easy to overlook printing or to assume that your printing costs will stay relatively static. In reality, printing costs can easily creep up undetected, draining your budget and catching you by surprise. Fortunately, there are some easy steps that you can take to manage your printing costs and ensure you’re not wasting resources. Keep your costs under control with this advice. 

Create a Printing Policy

Don’t overlook the importance of having a clear printing policy in place in your business. Your policy should address things like when to print in color and when to use black and white, how many pages an employee or team should print within a specific period of time, and when two-sided printing should be used. Your policy should also address whether printing of personal documents is allowed. 

Consider Your Printer Supply

Small businesses in particular often opt for personal, desktop printers for employees, but these devices were really designed for home use. They can often drive up the costs of things like paper, ink, and toner. Instead, consider larger, multi-function printers that are shared throughout your office. If the upfront capital investment is a concern, there are many cashflow advantages to renting printers. A multi-function, shared printer is likely to reduce your printing costs in the long run, and by renting a printer, you’ll always have access to tech support when you need it. 

Evaluate Your Paper Workflow

Think carefully about the kinds of documents that need to be printed. Many documents be more efficiently used if they are scanned and stored in the cloud. Although it is necessary to have hard copies of some documents, most businesses are printing more pages than needed. Evaluate your workflow, so you can maximize the efficiency of all your processes, from controlling printer costs to completing projects as quickly as possible. 

If you’re interested in seeing how a new printer could help your business, contact Arizona Business Equipment. We offer office equipment for purchase or rent and can help you find a solution for your needs and budget. Find out more about printers in Tucson by calling (520) 888-2679.