16 Jun Tips for Making Your Office Space More Productive
Making your office more productive will also improve your bottom line, increase employee satisfaction, and help everyone leave the office on time every day! A huge factor in how productive your employees are is the comfort of their environment. Here are some easy ways to make the workspace more productive for everyone.
Re-Evaluate Your Physical Layout
The physical layout of your office can assist with or impede productivity, comfort, and functionality. How the layout affects productivity will largely depend on the needs and comfort of your staff. Some people work harder and focus better in an open-plan office, where they can easily see, communicate, and collaborate with their co-workers. Others need silence and minimal distractions in order to focus on their work. If you’re concerned that the physical layout of the office is negatively affecting people’s productivity, talk to them about it and see how you can rearrange things so that people are happy, comfortable, and productive.
Create Opportunity for Movement
Getting up and walking around every once in a while has been proven to elevate mood, improve physical and mental health, and stimulate creativity. Give your employees space to get up and walk around, visit with each other, or take little breaks throughout the day without worrying they risk censure. You might also consider offering sit/stand desks or lounge areas that employees can use as they wish throughout the day.
Keep Everything Clean & Organized
A clean, organized office space encourages productivity. Plus, it means that people who like things clean and organized won’t waste huge chunks of their workday wandering around organizing and cleaning! Either clean up yourself before or after the workday starts, or hire an outside company to do it when employees aren’t around.
Are you looking for ways to streamline your workflow and increase productivity in your office? At Arizona Business Equipment, we offer affordable, quality printer and copier rentals throughout Southern Arizona. We can help you customize an office equipment rental plan or lease that meets your company’s needs, goals, and budget. Contact us today to learn more.