16 Dec Strategies for Improving the Security of Your Printer
Many business owners overlook the office printer as a source of cyber attacks, but the truth is that printers are actually a common gateway used by hackers to break into your company’s network. Here are some simple strategies that will improve the security of your office computer and ensure it isn’t as vulnerable to attack.
Disable or Limit Network Printing
Network printing means that an unprotected device is attached to your company network, and can answer commands from outside users. You can disable your network printing by configuring your network settings so that the office printer is only accessible to those connected through your network router. You can do this by pressing the WiFi button on your printer, turning off the wireless printing setting on the printer’s control panel, or disabling printing over HTTP in the windows registry settings.
Make Sure Your Printer Ports Are Secure
An unsecured printer port allows easy access for a hacker. You can get around this by only enabling printer ports you’re actually using. The most common standard protocol for secure printing is IPPS protocol via SSL port 443 – you can leave that one open for employee use. You should disable other network ports, including AppleTalk, Telnet, FTP, SNMP, ports 515, 721-731, and 9100, IPP on port 631, and the SMB protocol.
Use a Firewall
A secure firewall can limit access to your company printer and protect it from targeted attacks.
Create a Secure Password
If your printer is WiFi enabled, change your printer’s default password to one that is unique, strong, and long. Make sure the printer always requires login credentials from each user. To learn more about how to protect your printer’s security, contact us today at Arizona Business Equipment. We specialize in providing business solutions, office equipment, and office supplies to businesses of all sizes throughout Tucson and Arizona. We also offer maintenance and troubleshooting services. To talk to one of our experts, contact our team at (520) 888-2679.