21 Jan Simple Strategies for Going Green at the Office
For the green movement to be optimally effective, everyone must be involved. Fortunately there are a few strategies you can use to reduce your carbon footprint, like shutting down your computer or leasing an eco-friendly printer in Tucson. Here is an overview of a few simple strategies for going green at the office.
Use Your Tech Responsibly
Although most computers are equipped with standby modes, they are not to be abused. Leaving your computer on standby mode when you finish work and leave for the day is a needless waste of energy; instead, turn your computer all the way off at the end of the workday. You can also change the energy settings on your computer in order to reduce your energy consumption.
Go Digital
Although printed paper still has its place in today’s business environment, digital interfaces continue to take on more responsibility in the workplace. One of the primary advantages of this switch is that less paper is used, cutting down the demand for felled trees and ultimately preserving the environment. While digital interfaces might not be the answer in every single application, they can help you reduce your carbon footprint and help your office go green.
Eco-Friendly Printing
On the occasions when you do need to print something onto a physical piece of paper, it is wise to do so using green products. Arizona Business Equipment offers environmentally friendly printing products so that you can reap the benefits of the printed page while still feeling positive about your efforts towards environmental conservation.
If you are interested in going green at the office, call Arizona Business Equipment at (520) 355-4801. We specialize in copier, scanner, and printer leasing in Tucson, Mesa and Sierra Vista and are happy to help you conserve energy in the workplace. Feel free to visit our website or stop by and meet with us if you have any questions.