20 Jul Why Your Office Should Use Less Paper
While there are some materials that you will always want to have available in a physical printed copy, there are many uses of paper that you can reduce around the office to minimize the carbon footprint of your business. By choosing to electronically sign documents, utilize paperless payroll solutions, and implement electronic memos and cloud-based solutions, you can dramatically cut down on paper waste in your Southern Arizona office. Scanners and other desktop solutions from Arizona Business Equipment can help you streamline your office and eliminate unnecessary paper use, which will in turn allow you to:
Save Money
Perhaps one of the biggest driving factors for using less paper in the office is monetary savings. Costs can add up quickly when you rely too heavily on printed documents, which will also require physical storage solutions that will factor in to your budget as well.
Reduce Your Environmental Impact
A greener image can do great things for your company by showcasing to your clients and your employees that you care about the environment. Paper can be wasteful, while electronic solutions use far fewer resources. When you do absolutely have to print and copy documents, be sure to recycle any discarded paper to further promote waste reduction around the office.
Improve Efficiency
Trying to dig up old paper documents or keep track of physical files can be time-consuming and stress-inducing. With a transition to more electronic documents, you can find what you need in an instant, allowing you and your employees to get more done each day.
If you are looking for more ways to optimize efficiency and reduce your operating costs, contact Arizona Business Equipment for a look at our copier, scanner, and printer leasing services. We provide affordable office equipment and maintenance throughout Southern Arizona with locations based in Phoenix, Sierra Vista, and Tucson. To learn more about our services in the Valley, call us today at (480) 360-4402.