Keeping Up with Workplace Postage Meter Technologies

Business equipment in Arizona

Keeping Up with Workplace Postage Meter Technologies

Running out and buying stamps is not always the most efficient use of your time, but workplace technologies like postage meters can help you keep your mail under control. There are plenty of models to choose from, so it’s just a matter of identifying your needs. Take a look ahead if you’re interested in keeping up with workplace technologies.

PostBase Mini

If the mailing demands of your business are on the lighter side, the PostBase Mini might be just what you need. You won’t find any other small business meter with Intelligent Mail Indicia, and the unit can print postage for any packages you need to send that are 70 pounds or lighter. The color touch screen on the PostBase Mini also makes it simple to use, so you can process almost 20 letters per minute without any trouble. The unit weighs just over 6.5 pounds.

PostBase 20-85

The PostBase Mini is just one of many options when it comes to PostBase postage meters. The PostBase 20 postage meter is beneficial because it can use the Internet to download postage. PostBase postage meters also come in 30, 45, 60, and 85 editions; the number correlates to the processing speed, or the amount of letters the postage meter can print in a minute.

CentorMail MAX

If the PostBase options don’t quite make the cut for your needs, consider the CentorMail MAX and its 120 to 140 processing speed. Since it feeds mail vertically, the threat of jamming is significantly reduced. You won’t even need to sort the mail yourself thanks to the CentorMail MAX.

Arizona Business Equipment is more than happy to help you keep up with workplace technologies so your business can maintain its competitive advantage. We work with document storage and retrieval as well as copier and printer leasing in Tucson. Call us at (520) 888-2679 or visit our website today.