Going Green in Your Office

Going Green in Your Office

While some people might be perpetuating the idea that printed materials are unnecessary or superfluous in the digital age, that simply isn’t true. Printed materials will always have a place in certain industries, purposes, and demographics. Here are a few key reasons why printed materials aren’t going away in the digital age.

Use Recycled Paper

A simple, easy, and inexpensive way to make your office greener and more sustainable is to use recycled paper for your printers and copiers. You should also place recycling bins in convenient, easy-to-spot locations around the office so that employees can recycle paper, cardboard, and more. Many office supply companies are also creating other products that are either manufactured out of recycled materials, or can be recycled themselves, such as cleaning products, furniture, envelopes, notebooks, pens and pencils, and more. 

Commit to Going Paperless

Employees will always use paper for some business needs, but you can initiate a company-wide paperless standard for other common office tasks. For instance, limit how often you print out emails, disseminate printed handbooks and memos, and waste paper on test-printing or note-taking. Encourage employees to use their computers and email more often, rather than using paper.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Office Equipment and Appliances

Certain office equipment and appliances, like printers, fax machines, scanners, lighting, refrigerators, and A/V equipment, are available in energy-efficient models. This will reduce your overall carbon footprint, as these appliances use less energy to run. Check each appliance’s Energy Star rating before purchasing. 

For more sustainable office and business solutions in Arizona, contact us today at Arizona Business Equipment. We offer office supplies and equipment that are recycled, low-maintenance, and energy-efficient to businesses of all sizes throughout Tucson and Arizona. If you need a green printer or office supplies in Tucson, contact our team at (520) 888-2679.