Tax Day Is Almost Here: What Office Supplies Can You Deduct?

Tax Day Is Almost Here: What Office Supplies Can You Deduct?

You get plenty out of your company as a business owner, but you put a great deal into it as well. When tax day comes around, you can get back some of what you put in as you deduct your furniture expenses, copiers and other office equipment, and property payments. Since tax day is almost here, keep reading and find out what office supplies you can deduct.


No matter what kind of office you work in, you’re going to need some furniture. You need desks and chairs so that your employees can work at their stations, and it always helps to have a couch to keep visitors comfortable while they wait for a meeting. Since these pieces of furniture are necessities for your office, you can deduct them when it comes time to file your taxes. Office supplies like furniture can count as business expenses, so you can reap the benefits when you get your return.


Offices still rely on machines like copiers, printers, and scanners in all kinds of situations, which makes them important staples of the workplace. Like furniture, these staples are necessary for the office to stay productive and efficient. If you buy or lease a new copier, printer, or scanner, be sure to keep your receipt and deduct it when you do your taxes.

Property Payments

The most important office supply of all is the office itself. Rent isn’t free, and for small businesses, it can make for a significant expense. When you and your accountant sit down to do your taxes, make sure you remember to deduct your property payments.

At Arizona Business Equipment, it’s our job to provide businesses with copiers, scanners, and printers in Tucson. If you’d like to learn more about our business and what we can do for you and yours, please feel free to visit our website or call us at (520) 888-2679 for further details today.